I love July
Do you love July?
I love July! Good things always happen in July. Actually, I get inspiration smelling the fresh air and my heart races with the noise of the fireworks. For me. many happy memories are stored in my heart.
In our neighborhood, fireworks are loud.
What am I doing outside of my comfort zone this week?
There is a new apartment complex about 7 miles from my sons house. In the past month they have filled 70 apartments. It seemed sad for all the families and social distancing in place.
So, I prepared an invitation. Click this link to see the invitation: Zoom-Party 2
I would like to continue to connect and host meetings. For this one I have a content outline, and will have time for people to introduce themselves, share their apartment number and one amazing thing about their life.
In the future I plan to have different venues featured and include an introduction to many things in the community.
Party Time
The party will take place tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm and will last until 7:10! Attendance is by invitation only.
So far, 6 people are attending. This is my first time to host a zoom room and I want you to know I am excited. Our world and visitation rights are changing. I, for one, will attempt to make the best of it!
Will let you know how much fun we have.
Loving the 4th,
Molinda Sue
Hello July, I love you.
Hello July! I love you July. I love July 4th! I look forward to this weekend filled with good food, fireworks, laughter and family. I give thanks for my health, for the opportunities to improve life and grateful for the love of family.
Our year is half over. Although, I have accomplished some goals, the big rocks are out of the jar and nothing has been done. My foot is a big problem and must be improved. Will that improvement happen in Billings or in Tennessee?
Am I happy and healthy today? Yes and no. I scheduled an appointment with a highly recommended surgeon for an additional opinion regarding my foot. The acquired deformity gets worse each day.
My appointment with the surgeon is Tuesday, July 7th. His opinion will be the third one. It may confirm what two other Doctors have said and lead me back to the South for the surgery. It may contain a message of hope and success here.
I have an appointment scheduled at Duke in North Carolina for August 2nd. The happy news is I am being proactive to search for help! God tells us to seek and we shall find.
Where would I stay if I have surgery here? I want to return to full time in Real Estate. Some important choices are visible.
There is an apartment in Billings that would be a perfect recovery space. It is new, affordable,and 7 minutes from my son’s home. I stopped by there today and let the manager know it will be next Wednesday when I can confirm or decline her offer.
Preparing to Go Home to Tennessee
Next, I completed an online class for Real Estate in Tennessee. In the month of June I did 15 continuing education hours and will do 6 more in the next week. My heart beats with Joy when I think of being home in Tennessee and helping others find home.
One More Incident for today
With scattered thoughts stretching from the East to the West, I drove toward my Sons house. On the way, I received a call from Kentucky. My Brother is listed in critical care in the University of Kentucky Medical Center.
He has stage 4 Cancer. I want to see him! The onset appeared to be sudden and the cancer is very aggressive.
This week will continue to be busy. Several things must be completed within the next two weeks in preparation for the trip to Tennessee or staying here. Prayers for my brother and the desire to see him tops the list.
Finally The Day’s Activities End…
The day wasn’t over. I stopped at the Wells Fargo ATM and it said: “You haven’t finished your last transaction, would you like to continue?” I pushed No…and the previous customers card popped half way out. I waited..and the ATM read: Please remove your card or it will return to the ATM in 20 seconds. I waited and the ATM sucked it up!
I had almost finished my transaction when a cool looking guy on a motorcycle whirled up beside my car. I asked him if he had visited this ATM in the last few minutes. He was the Owner of that Card! He laughed and said, no problem I will come by tomorrow and get another one.
Prayers appreciated.
Warm regards,
Molinda Sue
A Street Without Holes
A Street Without Holes – Regret lives in a hole.
I am looking for different avenues and opportunities to share with friends.
Happy Healthy Monday…
Today, I have time with my precious Granddaughter .We will dance, exercise, play music and laugh.
Kris, my son, will cook a special meal for dinner tonight. She is my priority today and I am grateful to be in her space during this dime of social distance.
Physical Therapy
I really miss going to Physical therapy. With the structured environment it was easy to do what I was asked . Now, I must ask myself: “What next?”
My answer is exercise is an essential part of my quality of life. Today I will exercise, check with Deanna for the online Pilates and have fun. Oh, did I mention there is fun on this new Street?
I almost have a routine for each week day that I am comfortable completing. The morning begins with prayer, meditation, documenting three things I am thankful for, time with God and a quick review of my day. Next, write and write. If I don’t count and document my words, they fall in a hole. I discovered I need structure and a time frame assigned to important tasks.
So…Mornings are my best time, therefore, I will devote 45 minutes each morning from 10:30 a.m. until 11:15 for Physical Therapy. I have 5 exercises for each day and do two sets of each.
Just put it on my Calendar and emotionally, it creates a commitment! Now that some things have opened up again in Billings I can add a weekly visit to the Chiropractor. I went last year and loved the care I received.
What is missing? No, who is missing? You are missing. What are you doing? I want to hear from you. Let’s Here’s to your good Health and Let’s
Goforth and Prosper,
Molinda Sue
Holes – 5 Chapters of Life
Five Short Chapters of Life
Holes I Fell In
There’s a Big hole in the road where I walk in our neighborhood.. When I walk, I must avoid it or
I may fall. Rural roads instead of streets go in front of the homes. This morning I will walk down the road.
The unpaved roads lend a country atmosphere.
I recall living on a street named Tennessee Avenue. My best friend lived at the other end of town.
We would start walking and meet in the middle. Most days in the spring, there would be a soft, sweet smelling rain falling. My umbrella covered me. I walked.
Now, staying safe at home is a good thing. However, I remember the afternoon walks, feeling the breeze, hear the light touch of rain hitting my umbrella and splashing water. Pleasant memories from childhood. Many roads have been before me since then.
Recently, My son read the following poem to me. I wish I had a recording of him reading it. As he read, my life seemed to flash before me. Four times I have fallen in a hole!
The second best reading of the poem I will share with you today, given by Wayne Dyer.
Reading from: Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters by Portia Nelson
Identifying the Holes in Life
I heard the news day before yesterday. I heard the news yesterday. The news today will be the same…..It’s the hole in the sidewalk. Now is the time to take a different street. Our responsibility is to chose the healthiest path, search our mind for activities to help others and be happy at home.
Prayer Helps In Troubled Times
Today, I have a choice of my route in life. You do too. We have been informed the news will not change for the next month. Over and over we hear the same instructions. Choose your activities…then move on in the path to better things.
One of my sons called for urgent prayer last night. I could not solve the problem. The problem became my hole. I almost fell in. Another Street came to mind.
I Walked Above it…focused my eyes on Jesus…He walked on water! Surely, I could rise above the sinking feeling this situation caused in my being. A feeling of hopelessness, out of control, visions of an awful end result. How did I know there was a different mental street?
Memories of my Mom..She avoided the hole in the sidewalk, the hole in Life, the hole in her thoughts by falling to her Knees in Prayer. Memories of the one person on earth who loved me more than anyone else – My Mom and following her example brings me peace.
What Happens Now?
Many, many times I have walked the street with the hole and more than four times I fell in. In business, I hit the peak of success and fell to the bottom. Coming to Billings, Montana for an extended stay avoided the street with the big hole. My ticket was purchased to return where I call home. Over the period of two weeks, tragic news for our country and others unfolded. My trip was Cancelled. My plans lost in the deep hole. Everything changed.
Different Street, Chapter 5
Now, what am I doing on the other street? I will,
Goforth and Prosper
Molinda Sue