It’s Winter! New Years resolutions in 2018 included leaving Montana. I declared to never stay here during another winter. I said God, please let me live to leave this cold place and put me where it is warm. God answered my prayer. I enjoyed a wonderful road trip with family to the East coast. I stayed.
The last of October, I flew back for my son’s birthday and my granddaughters birthday. A slight accident resulted in my return ticket South unaccompanied. God has an interesting sense of humor. It is now January and I am still in cold Montana. Surprise, I have enjoyed being here.
Winter was mild until last week. Now, a white heavy blanket of snow covers the ground. The blue sky is covered with white and gray clouds. Temperatures of Zero have graced us with wind chill down to 22 below. My time alone with God and nature has been a pleasure.
I found love in knowing how to get from here to there, nurturing and deepening friendships, and becoming a part of the church here. Love brings warmth when the temperatures dip below zero.
My hour of the day comes early in the morning when I write and write…. Sometimes scattered memories flood the page, sometimes words of love. Everyday is a new picture. Morning times are best because the page is blank and words paint my stage for the day.
Hope is the word for today. What pictures flash before me when I think of hope? Memories of childhood and a cedar Hope Chest…filled with grown up clothes, poems of love, hand-made quilts for my future home. Sadly, the Hope Chest floated away in the flood which rampaged like a train off track through our little town. Sadness was absorbed by Hope for a better day.
For months after the flood, I would panic in North Carolina when the tropical storms rolled in. One sleepless night I randomly opened my Bible and my eyes fell to scripture written, ” Let the floods clap their hands; Let the mountains sing for joy together; ” Psalms 98:8. I welcomed Hope for the songs of Joy and clapping of hands in the scripture.
Hope….my precious sister-cousin longed for a baby. She was diabetic and the Doctor said it would Never happen. For several years she exercised Hope that someday….. The day came! She gave birth to a precious little girl. What was her name? You know it: Hope!
When illness, death or devastation pays me a personal visit. I call forth Hope. Many of my friends have left earth and I believe they are in the presence of God. I find comfort being grounded in this knowing, Is it okay to cry during grief? Yes, Jesus wept.
Hope, Because He Lives
On Easter morning in Kentucky , I would drive to the top of Pinnacle for sunrise service . In the heavy early morning fog on top of the mountain, we would sing Because He Lives and joy would dance with those gathered.
Now, approaching the last season of my life, I embrace the word, Hope, for our country, our nation, my family and yours. I hope to have the courage to share the life experiences and knowledge to bless you and open doors of thought and opportunity for you. I hope I can teach my grandchildren to enjoy life here, embrace the storms and Know we are safe in the arms of God.
Songs have replaced grief, anger, lack, and filled my soul with joy for most of my life. In times like these, I escape into the lyrics…you can too! Health, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are our promises from God.
It’s easy to get sidetracked to absorb the unpleasant news of turmoil. It’s also easy to return to the Father. We don’t have to start over. He meets us where we are. God isn’t bankrupt. His Kingdom isn’t shut down! He has a plan for my life and a plan for yours.
Choose Hope!
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. … Proverbs 13:12
My first trip to Billings was around 12 years ago. Willie Nelson was playing a concert here. I love Willie Nelson. Apparently he had been ill and the Doctor suggested he take life a bit slower, stop singing so much. He made a declaration he would Never stop singing and ended his concert with this song:
In closing, let me share, when the roll is called up yonder, my reservations are made. I’ll be there. For the remainder of my time here, I will share my talents with you and let’s make them multiply, let us have fun, play in the snow or sun and
Go Forth and Prosper,
Molinda Sue