My favorite month of the year blew in many sad emotions.
My Brother died in Kentucky. I was not in a position to leave Montana.
No one here knew him or of him. No one here shared the memories I shared with him.
Left alone with memories consuming me, I walked around like a zombie during the last week of July.
I almost rented an apartment here. Almost means I made a deposit, non refundable to hold it until August 1st. It’s important to be at peace in your home. I walked into that apartment many times during the last days of July. No peace for me lived there. Bye Apartment. Bye money Deposit.
Drastic Change of Habits
With that parting, I have set goals, implementation plans and dates for completion of changes before October 31st!
No friends, it’s intermediate fasting time, keto for the next 2 months, and debt elimination every day. Yes, I said every day. Time for worship and visitation with God each day, and time to laugh each day.
Any tips and actions you use successfully will be most appreciated.
This month is one of giving. My most important goal for the month of August is to give a gift each day. Since my computer was ill and I couldn’t share the gifts for August 1 and 2nd I will tell you now!
Saturday and Sunday was a gift of giving time to my granddaughter. It was also my gift to me – a time to grieve for my family in Kentucky, a time to reflect intensely on the blessings I have and time for one on one visit with my granddaughter.
Yes, a crisis jumped in and I didn’t handle it well. So, I unplugged, reset and moved on! Good bye July.
It’s a glorious first week of August. Let’s
Goforth and Prosper,
Molinda Sue
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