I love October. My youngest son birthday is October 31, Halloween.
My sister’s birthday was Halloween. She was an angel on earth and now in heaven. We are daughters of Kelly Asher by different mothers. Kelly’s favorite poem was Octobers Bright Blue Weather. It was read at his funeral. The words bring happy memories of childhood, playing in the rustling leaves, breathing the crisp air of fall and two little girls giggling.
High winds played in the trees here in Billings yesterday. Now, the leaves cover the ground like a heavy blanket. The trees are ready to rest for the winter. Peace fills my soul and I breathe in the blue skies and October’s bright blue weather.
Spring is my favorite Season. Fall is the most colorful with God’s vivid paint brush. Winter, brrr I chill to the bone. Without the winter, we wouldn’t experience Spring.
What is your favorite season? Our seasons define the time to sow, time to grow time to reap. What season are you in? It’s harvest time for me! Time to …
go forth and prosper,
Molinda Sue