Five Short Chapters of Life
Holes I Fell In
There’s a Big hole in the road where I walk in our neighborhood.. When I walk, I must avoid it or
I may fall. Rural roads instead of streets go in front of the homes. This morning I will walk down the road.
The unpaved roads lend a country atmosphere.
I recall living on a street named Tennessee Avenue. My best friend lived at the other end of town.
We would start walking and meet in the middle. Most days in the spring, there would be a soft, sweet smelling rain falling. My umbrella covered me. I walked.
Now, staying safe at home is a good thing. However, I remember the afternoon walks, feeling the breeze, hear the light touch of rain hitting my umbrella and splashing water. Pleasant memories from childhood. Many roads have been before me since then.
Recently, My son read the following poem to me. I wish I had a recording of him reading it. As he read, my life seemed to flash before me. Four times I have fallen in a hole!
The second best reading of the poem I will share with you today, given by Wayne Dyer.
Reading from: Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters by Portia Nelson
Identifying the Holes in Life
I heard the news day before yesterday. I heard the news yesterday. The news today will be the same…..It’s the hole in the sidewalk. Now is the time to take a different street. Our responsibility is to chose the healthiest path, search our mind for activities to help others and be happy at home.
Prayer Helps In Troubled Times
Today, I have a choice of my route in life. You do too. We have been informed the news will not change for the next month. Over and over we hear the same instructions. Choose your activities…then move on in the path to better things.
One of my sons called for urgent prayer last night. I could not solve the problem. The problem became my hole. I almost fell in. Another Street came to mind.
I Walked Above it…focused my eyes on Jesus…He walked on water! Surely, I could rise above the sinking feeling this situation caused in my being. A feeling of hopelessness, out of control, visions of an awful end result. How did I know there was a different mental street?
Memories of my Mom..She avoided the hole in the sidewalk, the hole in Life, the hole in her thoughts by falling to her Knees in Prayer. Memories of the one person on earth who loved me more than anyone else – My Mom and following her example brings me peace.
What Happens Now?
Many, many times I have walked the street with the hole and more than four times I fell in. In business, I hit the peak of success and fell to the bottom. Coming to Billings, Montana for an extended stay avoided the street with the big hole. My ticket was purchased to return where I call home. Over the period of two weeks, tragic news for our country and others unfolded. My trip was Cancelled. My plans lost in the deep hole. Everything changed.
Different Street, Chapter 5
Now, what am I doing on the other street? I will,
Goforth and Prosper
Molinda Sue