Are you tethered to debt?
From the experiences of the past 12 months, I can verify that a dream will become a nightmare if it gets caught in the spiders web of debt, lack, want, loneliness or emotional instability.
I am reaching out and taking steps to capture my dream and make my vision come true. My vision will impact, influence and change the lives of those riding in my path. Like using the the Amway circles, circling the obstacles in my path and ways to overcome, my vision will also influence some habits of my friends and draw us closer to God.
My blog has changed format to reflect daily events in my life. Some places and people will not be named in order not to cross the privacy line.
To capture the dream for the little house, I must first face the debt and get release. According to God’s word I am a servant to the lender. Wow! I am Superwoman! I am a Servant to about a Dozen people. That is equal to 10 weeks manual labor wrapped into one week. No exaggeration here! If you doubt it try being late on a payment and listen to the phone ring Those nice people who loaned money become a computerized monster with hourly reminders that a promise made is a debt unpaid.
So, let’s drink a Cup of Courage together and build a platform that will lead to a debt free home.