D – Music Note:D is a musical note a whole tone above C.
The way we listen to music each day is interesting. Noise or music, how does it affect us? For me, certain sounds, make me uncomfortable, while others remind me of love and are sometimes melancholy.
In music, a note is the pitch and duration of a sound, and also its representation in musical notation.
I will learn more about music in heaven. No longer will I say I wish I knew!
I love the tone of the D Note. Thus, my action words beginning with D are:
D – Dance...move in rhythmical way; express pleasure by motion
In Redding, I attended a church service and prophecy was given to me. The man saw me dancing with shoes that glittered. It warmed my heart since my right foot forgot about dancing after the last surgery. My memory now burns with the prophecy and I will dance before God in the near future!
For my son who has Parkinson’s, I will join the group for dancing with Parkinson’s! Note to self…..I shall become the dancing queen!
D – Do: to execute; to bring about; effect; to render; to carry out; produce. Each day I resolve to do what is needed for the day and Do what I have resolved!
D – Dollar: Dollars must be earned in our life and dispersed accordingly, It is a daily task, might as well make it fun. Three deposits to be made each day for me are: Deposit to spend, deposit to save, deposit to give. This statement is so easy to make…doing requires effort!
D – Deed… Action is required for me to acquire a warranty deed to property by December 25 this year. A deed with a mortgage would be easier. It is my goal to own a piece of property free and clear.
Progressing day four, brings clarity and requires actions. I experience joy in written words of change. Four years ago I entered a rut and it got deeper and deeper. Now, day by day I am escaping the rut.
Did you know, a rut can become a grave? For the past year I have felt the effects of smothering, feeling closed in and yet for my activity each day, I just walked the same path. When I came to the end, I turned around and walked it again. My actions were to do and repeat over and over.
Debt, I started with a little and it multiplied. Now, debt overwhelms me. I just close my eyes and continue to march the rut road. Defining and applying actions to eliminate debt will free me from slavery!
These 26 days, and an application of action each day will change my mind-set, my body and connect my soul closer to God! Thank you, God for this inspiration. Let’s