I want, I wish, I need. I filled my bucket list with little notes expressing my dreams.
Molinda Goforth Monday, December 30th
Apparently, lots of those things are wishes. My Bucket Overflowed and seems some of the things fell through the bottom. Reading my notes clearly defines my dreams are expressed more in the I wish, and I want. Oops…
Do you find yourself saying I wish I had…or I wish I had done or I wish it was tomorrow? Maybe the weather is important. Like me, you may say, I wish it was summer. I wish it was warm.
Today I bought little buckets..
Next, I soreted the little slips of paper defining my needs, wishes and and wants .
Discard Bucket contains: Stop wishing and wanting notes
Priority Bucket: Needs to be completed as soon as possible.
Future Bucket List: Anticipation of future needs.
Bonus buckets contain: Laughing Seed notes, suggestions for the Day of Rest and completed needs!
Bucket list for Health Food and Exercise
Happy and Healthy Monday starts the week with a daily demand to focus on health. It’s a real challenge for me to stay with recipes that contribute to improving my health. Making a menu for this month is from the bucket of needs.
Have you ever based your health needs on the desires and wishes of others? Maybe, it’s the others that live in your household….Little one, wants ice cream or candy and you make and of course oblige by eating. Yep, I do that.
Oh, friend number one, two and three extend an invitation to eat out each week. Let’s have a social meal with each one and put bunches of garbage and fat into our body.
My results from the past ….are overweight, undernourished, limited movement, financially lacking and the laughter from long ago is long gone.
Why do I wake up in the middle of the night with my mind racing for the unfinished task in my mind?
Oh, and when I listen to the conversations of 50% of the people around me my thoughts become negative. Change is inevitable this Decade!
Join me. Have a social meal with each one and put bunches of garbage and fat into our body.
My results from the past ….are overweight, undernourished, limited movement, financially lacking and where the heck is the laughter from long ago is gone. It’s a new day and I love it!
My limitations with movement (very extreme challenge) calls for Physical Therapy and daily Exercise! Hmmm….Tomorrow, my appointment for Physical Therapy is at 2:30.
Tuesday: This therapy appointment was a preview of what is to come. She gave me an assignment to do at home. I have an appointment for January 2nd, 2020! Awesome way to begin the New Decade. Let’s