They say it’s leaving. This plane called life. Each day takes our flight closer to our final destination. My mom was right when she said time flies when you get older. I know why!
Our mind is a computer that stores all travel information, home, projects to do, memories to relive and over the years it fills close to capacity. I am filled with the desire to kick in all engines and make up for lost time.
Home, education. goals, love, projects to do all fill my desires. Going back to my roots and remembering that wonderful mid-wife Aunt Josie, who is my great grandmother I know she waited months before welcoming new babies to this world.
My waiting will be filled with music from Heaven! Fortunately or unfortunately, I see the runway for landing. I must hurry to complete all I want to do before I land.
It has been a challenging year, trying to make all my goals and keeping them contained inside my head. In one Real Estate Course I heard the comment, you must bank in the bank not in your head,.
I have banked my thoughts, goals, love, feelings and everything else in my head. So, now it spills open and let’s share the Real World.
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